ARANTXA ART - framed-photograph gallery

Hello! Welcome to the Arantxa Art Gallery, a picture tribute to Spanish tennis star Arantxa Sanchez Vicario. She's a great Grand Slam champion with three French Opens and a US Open... and an even greater Grand Slam runner-up. Some of the pictures were used on Bushra's Arantxa webpage before, but new ones have been added here.
So far, the collection numbers about 30 (mostly pretty) photograph frames of Arantxa. You can go directly to each picture through the menu at the left, or choose to look through the miniatures gallery.

Wednesday, 2 January

Hi, and happy new year to all of you. As you can see from above, I have moved Arantxa Art to a new web-address. This is because Freeservers no longer offers FTP access and is expecting me to pay US dollars to them.
Our new address is:

Please bookmark this. The old website will remain here for convenience's sake, but I will not be updating it. Instead the new pictures, and there are several, will be found on Thank you and hope to see you at the new site.


Arantxa on Court Arantxa on Court
Arantxa in a long white dress, on a tennis court.

All photos of Arantxa and her estranged husband Joan, including photos from their wedding last summer will be removed from the website out of respect for Arantxa, who is probably not having an easy time at present. Please support our heroine - send her a message through Marsha Strong (see website on the links page).

All about the graphics
The Arantxa picture frames began while I was learning to use Paint Shop Pro. I've really enjoyed making these pictures and experimenting with various effects. It's a great hobby, and the best thing is that anyone can take it up -- all you need is a graphics program and some good tutorials. I use Paint Shop Pro 6 and started with tutorials from Mardi and an Australian boy called Chuck Dale - his website still exists, I believe, at

For a while I didn't really think anybody would want to look at a website of Arantxa picture frames. I neglected the site completely and the design fell apart with successive updates. So it really needed some repairwork! Thanks to my dad for crushing expert opinions on graphic design. (OK, so the old site was "boring" and "bland"!)

PS: Arantxa looks good in all the pictures. Wow!

Got a picture to frame?
If you have a picture of Arantxa or another (reasonably photogenic) tennis player which you would like to see in a picture frame, send me a note with an estimate of the file size to Obviously, while I can frame any kind of picture, it's best to have a snapshot in which the subject looks good. Which is why new Arantxa picture frames are so few and far between!!

Please don't send photos without warning! (I'm on a metered dial-up connection) Thank you.

Find out more about Arantxa
So far there hasn't been a really comprehensive Arantxa links page anywhere on the web, so I've compiled a list of all the different Arantxa websites and individual pages. Click here.

Arantxa Art

Please take this banner if you'd like to link to Arantxa Art.
If you want to swap links, please send me your url and banner by email.

View miniatures.

Or go directly to one of the pictures listed below

  Under 20K
ASV at the net
ASV at Wimbledon
Small purple frame
French Open 98
French Open trophy
Pink oval cutout
Wimbledon drop shot
Official WTA photo
Ditto, in Pink

  20-40 K
Romantic ASV
ASV wins Cairo
ASV and baby
French Open 94
Wood and silver
Italian Open 01
Spanish University
ASV in Sydney
ASV movie reel
Autographed poster

  Over 40 K
On Court
Fed Cup 98
Gold pool shadow
ASV by McCarron
ASV in blue plastic
ASV on Staircase

Supermodel at the net
28 KB

  Egypt 1999
51 KB


Take the poll and give your frank opinion on the graphics!

Arantxa Art Poll
How do you find the photo frames?

I love them!
OK - not too bad.
I hate 'em.
Too girly!! Eurgh!
Too small.
Too big.
Not enough of them.



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Harry Potter Personality Button

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